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Writer's pictureKate Ferrill

Listening to Your Inner Voice: 5 Techniques for Building Trust in Your Intuition

When we are consistently asked to question our own version of events, emotions, and values, it can be challenging to tune in to our inner voice, our intuition. Yet, learning to trust and listen to your gut feeling can be a powerful tool in identifying safe situations and relationships. Here are five techniques to help you start building trust in your intuition:

1. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is an incredibly powerful tool to use as you cultivate self-awareness and connect with your inner voice. By grounding yourself in the present moment, you can quiet the chatter of your mind and tune in to your intuition. Start with simple practices like deep breathing, meditation, or taking a walk while noticing all your five senses. What do you hear? See? Smell? This allows you to tune into your current situation and calms your nervous system.

2. Pay Attention to Your Body Signals

Our bodies often provide subtle clues that can guide us in making decisions. Learn to recognize physical sensations like a racing heart, a pit in your stomach, or a sense of ease when assessing different choices. Your body's reactions can offer valuable insights into what your intuition is trying to communicate. You can begin by taking a few deep breaths and then checking in on each part of your body. Does it feel tight? Loose? Where are you holding tension? Where do you feel comfort? Just tuning in gives you an opportunity for mindfulness and insight about what signals your body gives you when faced with various stressful or safe situations.

3. Journaling and Reflection

Journaling is a powerful tool for uncovering and understanding your intuition. Take time to write down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Reflect on past decisions and the outcomes to identify patterns and learn from your intuitive nudges. If you don't know where to start, make a list of things you are grateful for or a list of things you'd like to hand over to God to handle. You might be amazed at all the things that open up from there.

4. Spend Time in Nature

Nature has a way of grounding us and reconnecting us to our intuition. It slows us down and invites us to be present. You can take walks in the park, sit by a river, or walk along the beach, or even just sit on your back porch and observe the goings on. The beauty and tranquility of nature can help quiet the mind and open up space for intuitive insights to emerge. Allow yourself to be present and observe the wisdom that nature has to offer.

5. Trust the Process and Let Go of Fear

Building trust in your intuition is a journey that requires patience and self-compassion. Be gentle on yourself as you learn. Your inner voice has your best interests at heart and is guiding you towards growth and healing. Fear and self-doubt may hinder your ability to trust yourself, but you can overcome those voices that question you. As you build awareness and trust in yourself, the path ahead may become a little more certain. Remember, God gave you your intuition as a valuable guide on your life's journey.

Now, take a moment, close your eyes, and listen to the whispers of your intuition. What is it trying to tell you today? Trust God to lead you through the process and He will be faithful to show you the way.

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