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Writer's pictureKate Ferrill

Staying Joyful During the Holidays

Updated: Dec 17, 2020

Ahhh, the holidays. It's a time of peppermint mochas, twinkle lights, and, most importantly, celebrating the birth of our savior. We all have a dream of our life looking like a Hallmark movie but let's be real. The holidays are filled with challenges. There's endless shopping, strained finances, challenging family relationships, and obligations that seem to keep filling our calendars. So how to stay joyful in the midst of all of this? The short answer is boundaries.

This is the perfect time to start thinking about what YOU want the holidays to look like. Regardless of what the world tells you, you have all the power to decide how much you spend, who you spend time with, and what traditions need to change because they are more stressful than fun.

Here's a quick example of what that might look like from my own life.

Last Christmas, I felt overextended. I didn't have enough time or money to buy all the gifts I wanted to get for everyone, even though choosing gifts is something that gives me great joy. I was hesitant about bringing it up to my extended family. Would they feel like I was shortchanging them? I went to a friend who had an amazing idea. An instant gift exchange. (Don't Google it. She just made it up.) I decided to give it a shot. We each brought $20 and met at Target. We drew names at the snack bar and then ran around the store to buy something for that family member. We literally ran through the store laughing and hiding from each other and it was the most fun I've ever had while Christmas shopping. Once the gifts were purchased, we met at Starbucks and gave each other the gifts. No wrapping (unless you count the Target bags), low budget, and tons of fun. Something that used to be stressful became a great memory.

Now it's your turn to think things through. When you think about this Christmas season, what brings you anxiety or trepidation? What would it feel like or look like to remove it from the plans? Experience that for a minute in your mind. If removing it gives you a sense of peace, by all means, do it. Just because you've gone to see Christmas lights every year for the past 15 years does not make it a requirement. Your needs matter and you deserve time to honor them.

Here's a quick list to help guide your decision making. I encourage you to do whatever you need to do to maintain your joy this holiday season.

  • Say "No" without guilt

  • Say "Yes" because you really want to!

  • Be empowered to skip, go late, or leave early

  • Let go of what other people will say and do

  • Ask for what you want or need

  • Spend time with supportive people

We would love to hear any ideas you have for a joyful holiday. Share in the comments below!

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