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Writer's pictureKate Ferrill

The Art of Suffering Well

There's something about the season of Lent that grows my love for Jesus exponentially. Maybe it's because of the hope it brings. He suffered so much. He was betrayed, beaten, lied about, publicly humiliated, shamed, and mocked and yet, he rose again. He didn't stay beaten. The lies didn't stick. He didn't carry that shame any further than the cross. That gives me so much hope.

I hear stories every day of the exact things happening to people like you. Those you have loved and given your lives to are telling half truths and outright lies. They are criticizing you, mocking you, and humiliating you. You are holding your own, but it hurts. It hurts to much to hear those things and it makes you want to scream out and defend yourself to anyone who will listen. You doubt yourself and ask if it's something you caused (it isn't) and if maybe, if you changed, it would stop (it won't).

Friend, Jesus has been there, and he feels a deep empathy for you. Even better? He doesn't leave us in our suffering. He shows us the art of suffering well. While he was on the cross he cried out to God, "My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?" (Matthew 27:46) We can cry out to God, too. Your pain matters to Him and he wants nothing more than to love you through it. What questions do you want to ask God? What unfairness and injustice and hurt and pain do you want to bring to him? Ask him. He will not judge you. He wants to hear your cries.

Before he took his last breath on the cross, Jesus does something else that we can model. He places his trust in the Father. "'Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit.'" (Luke 23:46)

Can I be honest with you for a minute? This part is not always easy for me. I haven't always had trustworthy people in my life and handing over my life and family (even to the God of the universe) still seems daunting. Is it the same for you? I encourage you to try this simple exercise to help you. Take Jesus' words and make them your own prayer.

"Father, into your hands I entrust my ______"(fill in the blank) Anytime a worry comes into

your heart or yet another difficult situation presents itself, cry out to God then say that simple prayer.

I promise you, over time, you will see our God come through in miraculous ways. I have seen it over and over again. As we surrender our suffering to Him, he offers His healing and comfort right back. Today I pray that His comfort covers your suffering. I pray that your heart remembers that he HAS overcome the world and your resurrection is coming. I ask God to show you throughout this season that your trust is safe in His hands and that you are loved, fully and completely.

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